Monday, November 10, 2008


The third quarter financial reports look worse than how the METS blew another chance in making the playoffs for the second straight season. Recently took out all my money in Share Builder and now I am fully invested in Zecco Trading. October was the month of unlimited trading for customers as a promotional gimmick by Zecco.

My online stock trades consist of 4 stocks that I have in my portfolio. These stocks are AUY, RIO, PAL, and WFC. Below is a belief description of companies, I am currently holding positions in.

Yamana Gold Inc. (AUY) is engaged in the acquisition, exploration, development and operation of mineral properties. AUY principal product is gold.

Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (RIO) is a metals and mining company. RIO is also a producer of iron ore and iron ore pellets. It also produces bauxite, alumina, aluminum, copper, coal, cobalt, precious metals, potash and other products.

North American Palladium Ltd. (PAL) is a producer of platinum group metals

Wells Fargo & Company (WFC) is a financial holding company and a bank holding company. It is a diversified financial services company.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Finally I’m out of the red in stocks and made some profits with Zecco trading. My next dilemma is what car I should purchase. Currently I am driving a 94 Mitsubishi Galant. I brought it in 2003 when it had about 83,486 miles driven. Since then I has made many trips back and forth from Illinois to NYC. It has serviced its purpose and has traveled over 150,000 miles. I think it’s about time for me to get a more luxury car. Something with Navigation system and heated leather seats. My job security is more stable than ever and my pension fund is setup so that I do not have to worry about money when I retire.
What concerns me the most is what car to get! I think I have narrowed it down to three cars that fit my price range and style. This is in no order but I figure I will at least test drive all three cars before making my final decision. The 2008 Mercedes C Class, 2008 Cadillac CTS, or the 2007 Mercedes E 350 4Matic are my final three cars that I will test drive. I really like the 2008 E350 but it would cost me too much at this point in my life. The car price ranges from 52K to about 65k. This is about ten to twenty grand more than what I figure to spend! The way things are going I plan on buying my car after July 4th weekend.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Lasik Surgery or Stock Options

This year major dilemma was choosing to invest in stocks or get Lasik eye surgery! The cost of Lasik can range from $1,500 to $2,500 dollars for both eyes. Jango has gone thru on this procedure about a month ago. He claims it was some what uncomfortable with his eyes being so sensitive to light when they were operating on them. That the procedure involved him to have his eyes wide open and not blink as they made incisions in his eye. The surgery itself was very quick and but still consisted of time. Jango had to get prep a week before the surgery and the day before as well. This was the case because they need to make sure the eye is prepared and ready for the surgery. I think this is the case for most people who wear contacts. They must make sure the eye is rested and not been in contact with any foreign objects for a week. That means no contacts lenses for a week. But the steps after surgery are important. I have been told you cannot rub your eye or have any contact with liquids in your eyes for a week or two. Since your eyes are so sensitive that, a foreign liquid could cause blindness. They will give you eye drops that must be used every few hours. So my money now is now in stocks! I plan on leaving it all there and invest little by little till the end of the year. I have chosen to use Sharebuilder as my agent. They allow you to invest in partial stocks. You can commit about $100 bucks a month and it will auto invest it in any stock you wish. Some place expect you to buy the whole stock. Which sounds reasonable but some stocks are very pricey. My next step will be to make an account with Zecco so that i can do 10 free online stock trades a month so long as I maintain at least $2,500 in equity in my account. So what ever you decided I reccommend that you do your own research before getting the surgery or investing in stocks. Hopefully the money I make on stocks this year will cover for my Lasik surgery next year.